Citation - Boston Gazette: 1737.09.19

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Index Entry And has Charissa her whole heav'n of charms [fl] 
Location Boston 
12-19 Sep 1737:12,22 (923)
--Pulchra faciet Te Prote Parentem.  Virg.
  And has Charissa her whole heav'n of charms,
  Gen'rous, resign'd to worthy Stephon's arms?
  Does she consent to grace the name of wife,
  And bid the fav'rite man enjoy new life?
. . . [total 1 1/2 cols]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1737.09.19 
Publisher Boydell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0004671
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